Why is Mohs surgery necessary | Essential for Skin Cancer Management

Generally, Mohs surgery is a highly specialized procedure used to treat skin cancer. Essentially, preserving as much healthy tissue as possible in sensitive areas such as the face where cancer grows is crucial for optimal cosmetic and functional results.

Unlike traditional excision methods, Mohs surgery allows precise removal of cancerous tissue layer by layer with real-time microscopic examination. 

However, do you know why Mohs surgery is necessary? In this blog, I will provide you with the complete solution.

This, in turn, ensures the complete elimination of cancer cells and minimizes damage to healthy skin. This procedure is particularly beneficial for invasive or recurrent skin cancer, providing high cure rates and excellent cosmetic results.

What’s Mohs surgery?

Generally, Mohs surgery is a special method used in cancer treatment. Basically, it is mainly effective in treating skin cancer, especially basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

In this method, the harmful tissues are moved step by step and the tissue removed at each step is tested with the microscope. If there is a cancer cell, some more tissues are removed, otherwise the area is sewn.

In particular, the biggest advantage of this method is that healthy tissues can be kept as intact as possible. As a result, the wound is reduced and the injury sign after treatment is less. However, this operation takes some time and is usually done on the same day.

What to avoid before Mohs surgery?

In general, it is important to avoid some things before Mohs surgery. Some drugs may have to stop consuming, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, fish oil, and zinco biloba. These drugs increase bleeding, thus risk of complications during surgery.

Also, avoid alcohol 24 hours before surgery. It also enhances bleeding. Smoking should stop smoking two weeks before and after surgery. Smoking slows the process of recovering the wound.

So, if you consume regular medication, please tell your doctor. They will tell you whether you can continue to consume the drug before surgery.

Why is Mohs surgery necessary?

Mohs surgery is a special way to remove skin cancer. It’s really good for places like your face, ears, hands, feet, and private areas where it’s important to keep healthy skin safe.

Doctors do this surgery step by step. They take away a little bit of the cancer at a time and check it right away to make sure all the bad stuff is gone. They keep doing this until they’re sure all the cancer is gone and only healthy skin is left.

The cool thing about Mohs surgery is that it helps doctors remove all the cancer while keeping your skin looking nice and not scarred. This way, the cancer is less likely to come back.

So, Mohs surgery is important because it helps get rid of skin cancer really well and keeps you healthy and looking good!

What is the purpose of Mohs surgery?

Mohs surgery is a special way to remove skin cancer. It’s really good for places on the body where it’s hard to tell how big the cancer is or where it is exactly.

Doctors do this surgery step by step. They take a little bit of the cancer out at a time and check it right away to see if it’s all gone. If they still see cancer, they take out more until it’s completely gone.

The cool thing about Mohs surgery is that it helps doctors remove all the cancer while keeping as much healthy skin as possible. This way, you won’t have as big of a scar, and the cancer is less likely to come back.

So, Mohs surgery is important because it helps get rid of skin cancer really well and keeps you healthy!

Will my hair grow back after Mohs surgery on scalp?

In general, hair growth after Mohs scalp surgery depends mainly on a few factors.

Amount of tissue removed

If only a few layers of skin are removed during the removal of the cancerous part and the hair root (follicle) is intact, the hair will usually grow back.

Compounding requirements

In particular, if the cancer is deep and the wound cannot be sutured, it is unlikely that hair will grow back in that area. 

In such cases, a piece of skin from another organ may need to be stitched to heal the wound. Hair usually does not grow back in the area where these “skin grafts” are applied.

Talk to the doctor

Usually, your doctor will be the one who will give you the most accurate estimate of your chances of hair growth. Discuss this openly with them before surgery.

It should be noted that Mohs surgery aims to completely remove the cancer. While hair growth is important, getting rid of the cancer is more important.

Advantages of Mohs surgery

Mohs surgery has established itself as an advanced method in the treatment of skin cancer. It offers several advantages over traditional surgery. Which are discussed below.

High cure rate

The Mohs method involves removing cancerous tissue in small, step-by-step steps. Usually, the test is done after each layer is removed, which ensures that the entire cancer has been removed. This method reduces the risk of cancer recurrence and increases the cure rate.

Preservation of healthy tissue

Basically, Mohs surgery removes only the cancerous tissue, leaving the healthy tissue intact. It reduces scarring, especially on the face, ears, hands, feet, and genital areas, where appearance is important.

Less complexity

This procedure has less bleeding and risk of infection. Also, nerve damage is less likely, reducing the risk of long-term pain and weakness.

Useful for various types of cancer

Mohs surgery is effective in treating a variety of skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

Thus, Mohs surgery is an effective and less invasive treatment option for patients with skin cancer. It offers the benefits of higher healing rates, less scarring, and fewer complications.

Frequently Asked Question

Is a Mohs procedure always necessary?

A Mohs procedure is not always necessary. It is usually reserved for skin cancers with high-risk features or located in sensitive areas where tissue preservation is important.

Does Mohs surgery remove cancer?

Mohs surgery is a specific technique used to remove skin cancer. It involves removing thin layers of cancerous skin and examining them under a microscope until there are no cancer cells.

Is Mohs surgery painful?

Mohs surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia, so patients may experience some discomfort during the procedure, but it is generally well tolerated and not considered overly painful.

Is Mohs surgery serious?

Mohs surgery is considered a serious procedure, as it is used to remove skin cancer, especially in cases where it is important to preserve healthy tissue and aesthetics.

Last Few Words

Ultimately, Mohs surgery is necessary to effectively treat skin cancer while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. Its accuracy and real-time microscopic examination ensure the thorough removal of cancer cells.

Essentially, reducing the likelihood of recurrence and optimizing cosmetic results, especially in sensitive areas such as the face. 

By preserving as much healthy skin as possible, Mohs surgery promotes rapid healing and minimizes scarring, increasing patient satisfaction.

Thus, with its high cure rate and excellent cosmetic results, Mohs surgery has emerged as an important tool in the fight against skin cancer, providing both physical and emotional reassurance to patients throughout their treatment journey.

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